Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hello again!

Well, it has once again been a busy week--Calvin turned 6, and preparing for and executing his birthday party really took up a lot of my energy!  But I am relieved that birthday season is officially over at our house!

First, a little update on my physical ailments--ha ha.  Well, I had drematitis/eczema on my scalp, which has now pretty much cleared up all the way, thanks to a couple of topical perscriptions from the dermatologist.  My chest and knee are both feeling a lot better, thanks to time, I guess!  I am no longer concerned about my IUD, thanks to the physical I had this week--everything looks good and normal!  And the lump is just a swollen node, like Michael said, nothing to worry about!  So, that was all a big relief--glad to be given a clean bill of health and glad to have gotten rid of the things that were bothering me!

In addition, I have still been doing pretty well (although not perfect--I have indulged in a few treats) in the healthy eating challenge, and lost another two pounds, so that is all very exciting!

So, it has been 10 days since I made my last set of goals, and it has been going pretty well!  In my mind I was going to make a new set of goals for this current week, but then with Calvin's party I just never got around to it, so this past few days I wasn't very committed to any set of goals specifically, and what a difference it has made!  Last week was awesome.  I reached my goals.  I kept my home at a baseline clean, read my scriptures and said meaningful prayers early in the day, was careful about the music we listened to, and didn't watch any shows.  And it was a really great week!  I felt purposeful and on top of things, and better able to meet my kids' needs without feeling stressed out.  I did pretty well at keeping my goal of treating others like the Savior in the forefront of my mind, and it was overall a very happy and successful week!

So, my next goal is to be more grateful and to show that gratitude more often.  I was reflecting recently on the fact that gratitude is worthless unless you let other people know about it.  I am so blessed in my life by so many people.  And I feel grateful for the blessings I receive from the Lord and from others, but how often do I show that gratitude?  And if I don't show it, they will never know.

So, this next week and a half, I will do the following:

*Write and send or deliver at least 2 thank you notes each day.

*Keep a list on the fridge of every act of kindness or service that I notice being done on my behalf.

*Give a verbal heartfelt "thank-you" for each kindness or service I notice.

*Study gratitude during my scripture study.

*Say at least one exclusive gratitude prayer each day.

*Begin each prayer with thanking Heavenly Father for a number of things.

So, there we go!  My goals for the upcoming week and a half.  Go get it!

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